Category: GSM-R phones

Our company in the Czech Republic represents SED. In this section, we present GSM-R phones and accessories designed for communication in rail traffic. GSM-R SED phones are approved for operation in the GSM-R radio network of Správa Železnic (SŽ)

GSM-R telefon SED OPS-810R nabízí všechny funkce pro zajištění bezpečné komunikace v drážním provozu a to včetně posunu ve shodě s UIC EIRENE

GSM-R telephone SED OPS-810R with shunting support

In railway operation, technology based on the international GSM-R standard is used for voice and data communication. Compared to the conventional GSM, a number of functions are added to ensure safety, reliability and continuity of railway transport. Examples include group calls, functional addressing, and user and call priority settings. GSM-R technology uses handsets specifically designed …

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Smart railway GSM-R phone SED GPH-650R

The manufacturer of railway GSM-R mobile terminals, SED, has introduced a smart GSM-R phone based on the Android operating system. The use of a standard operating system for mobile phones offers the user the opportunity to use a huge number of ready-made applications or have specialized applications prepared. The terminal supports all services in the …

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GSM-R telefon SED OPH-810R schválený k provozu v síti SŽDC

Durable GSM-R railway phone SED OPH-810R

Railway GSM-R telephone SED OPH-810R is suitable for use in normal railway traffic. The phone supports all common functions defined by the GSM-R standard. Its great advantage is the durable design. The OPH-810R has a shock- and vibration-resistant case. Dust and water resistance according to IP65 specification. The battery with a capacity of 3200mAh ensures …

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