Our company DCom, spol. s r.o. realized an important contract for the realization of the project of the new technological centre of AŽD Praha in the Brno part of Slatina on the edge of the Černovická terrace. Components for electron microscopes of Thermo Fisher Scientific, the world leader in this field, have already started to be manufactured in the facility. The new technology centre has a total area of 2000 m2. The modern production hall will help increase production and offer new jobs for highly skilled employees.

Inauguration of the technology centre for the production of electron microscopes
AŽD Praha inaugurated the new technological centre of the Brno production plant in the presence of the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Jozef Sikely on 16 October 2023. The new production facility now employs 130 highly skilled workers and may expand to 300 in the future.

Extensive supply of low-current EZS, EPS, LAN, camera and attendance system technologies.
The DCom company carried out a complete supply of low-current wiring, local computer network LAN, electronic fire alarm system EPS, electronic security system EZS, camera system and attendance system. Due to the technologically demanding production of electron microscopes, high requirements are placed on all delivered systems. Our company implemented the order as a subcontract for the general contractor Moravostav. The contract was performed to the required quality, agreed time and price.

Video from the construction of the AŽD Technology Centre
Watch a video showing the construction process of the Swedish Chance Advanced Technology Centre
Cooperation in the production of electron microscopes since 1999
AŽD Praha has been cooperating in the production of electron microscopes since 1999. In 20023, the FEI Company was successful in a tender as a supplier of electron microscope consoles and invested in a cleanroom. In 2011, the cooperation was expanded and AŽD opened new and larger clean production facilities and the cooperation continued after the acquisition of FEI Company by Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2016. Currently, the company produces seven hundred new devices every year
Electron microscopes from Brno occupy a significant share of the world market
The city of Brno is an important place for the world production of electron microscopes. Currently, 30% of the world’s production of these highly sophisticated devices is produced here. The start of production in the new production facility could increase this share even further.