Dispečerské řešení MAJOR BOS využívá technologii VoIP a nabízí dálkové řízení až 8 základnových radiostanic DMR nebo TETRA

Dispatching solution MAJOR BOS remotely controlled radio stations

en The MAJOR BOS dispatching solution uses VoIP technology and offers remote control for base radio stations and DMR and TETRA radio networks

GSM-R telefon SED OPS-810R nabízí všechny funkce pro zajištění bezpečné komunikace v drážním provozu a to včetně posunu ve shodě s UIC EIRENE

GSM-R telephone SED OPS-810R with shunting support

In railway operation, technology based on the international GSM-R standard is used for voice and data communication. Compared to the conventional GSM, a number of functions are added to ensure safety, reliability and continuity of railway transport. Examples include group calls, functional addressing, and user and call priority settings. GSM-R technology uses handsets specifically designed …

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DCom wish you merry Christmass and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023

Dear customers and business partners, we thank you for the support you have given us in the just ending year and we look forward to joint projects in the following year. We wish you a Merry Christmas, good health, happiness and much success in your professional and personal life in the New Year 2023.

DCom dodal digitální rádiovou síť TETRA pro Dopravní podnik města České Budějovice

Supply of TETRA radio network for the České Budějovice Transport Company

The České Budějovice City Transport Company decided to comprehensively modernize the information technology and communications of the on-board vehicle systems and the traffic dispatching centre. The extensive project for the development of telematics elements and attractiveness of public transport services included a control system, information system, check-in and communication system. The modernisation of the communication …

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The construction of a radio network requires careful project preparation and measurement

Radio network project preparation is the key to a successful solution

Planning, designing and considering various technical solution alternatives is a key part of implementing a new radio network as well as upgrading an existing one. The customer should carefully consider all the requirements and expectations of the project together with the designer. Based on the user’s requirements, the designer will consider and propose the selection …

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